
German Sidakov Drama School offers a unique acting and directing training rooted in the most extraordinary theatre methods of the 20th century. It makes a quintessence of those methods. Through the art of improvisation it offers tools to master the art of acting and directing in theatre and film. The training process builds on scene and play study with emphasis on developing roles, directing scens, and making short films followed by performing them for the audience.

All classes are delivered in a form of rehearsal and conducted by highly reputed teachers. Every week the school holds showcases followed by group discussions and shared-learning.

Film takes a significant part of study being a very important modern art medium. The film curriculum includes working with camera, editing, screenplay writing. Film and theatre studies are interrelated.

The training program is designed to have actors and directors study together allowing them to learn from each other and add to each other. A unique design of the program helps students identify their strengths both in acting and directing enabling them to choose the one they are apt to.

“We are all unique. By applying universal time-proven methods we may reach only a certain average level of expertise. For those who aspire for more these universal methods are not enough. My goal is to help artists rediscover themselves, reveal their true nature in order to develop their own acting and directing technique, becoming a creator rather than just remaining a performer”.

German Sidakov

About German Sidakov